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Shop Safely

  • HSBC is our bank
  • Comodo secures our connection
  • SagePay processes the transactions
  • Security Metrics scans our server and computers

What happens when I pay online?

Buying online has never been safer and is now regarded by the Banks as a much more secure method than paying over the phone. The process is simple. When you add you products to the basket you will notice that the little padlock icon will appear in the address bar at the top of the screen. This means it is now a secure connection. You can click the Comodo logo above to check that our site is independently valid and secure.

When you enter your credit card details this is sent directly to your bank for authorisation. We never see your credit card details and we never store them for future use. Some websites do store details to make purchasing in future more efficient but we took the decision not to do this and maintain the highest level of security.

Who ensures payments are secure on our website?

HSBC is our bank who has won the Security Anti-Fraud Development Award for online transaction handling. SagePay processes the payments and checks authorisation with your own bank. Comodo provides the secure connection via an encrypted SSL Connection. Finally our server and computers in the office are independently tested by Securtity Metrics to ensure your personal details are never compromised.

All in all we have selected only the very best partners for online transactions