About this product
About this lock:
We all know the Kryptonite brand well enough and this lock is basically design to withstand all attacks since there is nothing to attack other than a big block of steel.
That leaves only two options. Pick it or pull it off. Pulling it is also futile since there is nothing to grip to and the van the doors would rip off before the lock did. Picking it is a valid concern but with a 6 pin cylinder then it is unlikely and would take a professional well over 30 minutes even in a stress free environment.
Why this version over similar ones:
There a many similar models of this on the market from Sterling, Zone, Master etc. However, the Kryptonite version is generally seen as the better quality out of the lot with a more secure mechanism.
The six 8mm square fixing holes are suitable for use with coach bolts (not supplied but sourced at your desired length from any hardware / tool shop). Overall size is 216mm x 108mm.